Legends of runeterra pantheon deck
Legends of runeterra pantheon deck

legends of runeterra pantheon deck

You must know about the game-breaking synergy with Taric : If you cast Golden Aegis on him and he supports a unit, the spell is cast again and you are allowed to attack yet another time.

legends of runeterra pantheon deck

Golden Aegis is a powerful one-for-all care package that provides a Rally effect, advances your unit’s Fated keyword, and protects them with Barrier. We will never keep this card in the mulligan phase.įor the hit-or-miss character of these silence cards, we are only playing them as a 1-of. Hush falls in the same hit-or-miss category, either temporarily silencing a powerful champion, creating advantageous trades, or being a dead card. In other matchups though, this unit can feel underwhelming and a tempo-losing play. If your opponent plays a follower that is susceptible to silence effects, like Curious Shellfolk or Monkey Idol, it can be stupidly powerful. For its extra mana cost, we are targeting two of our units, as well as removing our opponent’s threats more reliably.īlinded Mystic is a unit that can be hit or miss. If Single Combat is a knife aiming for your opponent’s throat, Concerted Strike is the tank blasting your opponent off their feet. Oftentimes, our opponent will play around these cards even if we don’t have them in hand. Single Combat and Cataclysm are cheap removal spells that target your units at the same time. While its 2/2 buff is powerful enough on its own, it is especially valuable in the current meta with elusive Archetypes around. Sharpsight is the strongest combat spell in the game, that - you guessed it - also activates Fated. They also draw you a card and give your units additional survivability. Guiding Touch and Pale Cascade fit into the same category as Gem - they are cheap burst-speed spells that advance Fated. Mountain Goat ’s statline is just the same and its ability to generate Gem s - 1 mana spells that activate Fated at Focus speed - makes this a valuable unit in the deck.

legends of runeterra pantheon deck

These facts along with its solid statline to trade with most 2 and 3 drops make it an auto-include in the deck. Additionally, the Overwhelm keyword allows your growing units to not get chump blocked to eternity.īrightsteel Protector allows you to not only punish your opponent for not open attacking but also activates Fated (since it targets the unit that it gives Barrier to). When played as the first card in your round, you draw another copy of it from your deck, resulting in card advantage. Zenith Blade is probably the most prominent engine in your deck, due to the Daybreak keyword. Because of his Barrier keyword, he can be a great punish if your opponent doesn’t open an attack on their turn 4/5.Īll other cards in this deck are aimed at either buffing your units, removal, or both. While Pantheon is a great game finisher, he also wears the Fated keyword, so don’t be afraid to drop him in the mid-game to buff him up before he levels. He has a great statline for value trading and his Fury keyword means that he has additional inbuilt survivability. Wounded Whiteflame is the big brother of Saga Seeker. Saga Seeker is an obvious pick, as he is cheap to play and thus leaves us with enough mana early to cast spells on him. These are all the units in the game that have that keyword! The units we run with the Fated keyword are Saga Seeker, Wounded Whiteflame, and Pantheon. Oftentimes, these include Lifesteal, Elusive, or Spellshield, which can be a huge game-changer. On top of that, once you’ve targeted allies in 5 rounds, he levels up and gains at least 5 random keywords.

#Legends of runeterra pantheon deck free#

This means that you are granted a free spell that progresses the Fated game plan!Īdditionally, Pantheon is a strong finisher with his Overwhelm keyword. Taric is a great unit for that matter, as he copies a spell you play on him on his supported ally. This means that once we deploy our Fated units, we aim to target them each round to exploit the free stat boosts as much as possible. Each round, the first time you target a unit with this keyword, they are granted a permanent +1|+1 stat boost. Pantheon/Taric is a board-centered deck that capitalizes on the novel keyword Fated.

Legends of runeterra pantheon deck